The End of the Line – Why it’s important to remember Irish women’s history

End of the line; end of the month; well, women’s history month that is! It is so important to remember women’s history; not just in March, but throughout the year as if we don’t remember it and talk about it it will be lost to history. This has been an interesting month to delve into my interests as an historian of Irish dress, and by extension the history of Irish women.

From Flappers to Fifties Housewives , my posts hits month have delved into the changing lives of Irish women between 1920 and 1960. Have they been long, rambling articles? No, they have not! The blog posts have been quick snapshots into the lives, and how these women lived, in a period of rapid change that cemented the way women live today.

The blog posts centred on issues that affected women such as motherhood, education, careers, domesticity, sexual health etc. I had planned to provide my own illustrations but time and full-time work got in the way and I was only able to produce illustrations for my blog post on flappers (linked above). I always over estimate how long it takes to do illustrations; from drawing, to scanning, and editing it always takes longer than anticipated.  They are time consuming and I need to dedicate time to them to make drawing illustrations for my blog worthwhile.

Will I do more illustrations? Most definitely! However, maybe the illustrations will be at first for one blog post per month rather than two blog posts per week! This month of blog posts has taught me that I need to put dedicated time aside for producing good and well researched blog posts. The content I produced this month was good; but not as in-depth as I would have hoped for and that I wished for. Something I need to work on for the future!

Though, this women’s history month has taught me that the period between c.1920-c.1970 across the island of Ireland is still indeed my favourite period of history for Irish women and the history of dress. Something that I hope was at least evident in my blog posts this month and going forward into the future!


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