Inspired by this post over on one of my favorite blogs, Cup of Jo, I decided to write up some of my ‘autumn aspirations’ for self-improvement, fitness and travel. I’m always one for improving one-self through courses and classes and exploring new places – Autumn is a perfect time to start this as the evenings are darker and we find ourselves spending more time indoors.
By the Sea Shore
As you may have grasped I’ve recently moved to Scotlan, to the west coast to be precise, for a job. I like to explore the area I live in when I move somewhere, especially pretty sea side villages. On this note I recently went to Dunure, a sea side village twenty minutes south of Ayr, for a day trip with a friend. Much fun, eating of fish and chips and ice cream ensued!
Get Ready With Me – Vintage Make-Up!
I think by now on the blog it’s easy to grasp that I love and am very heavily influenced by vintage style, make-up, hair and aesthetics. Particularly, the period between 1920 to 1965 and specifically the 1940s and 1950s. The way women used to do their make-up and take care of their skin has influenced how I’ve done my make-up and my skincare routine for the best part of ten years.
How I Stay Organized! Stationery Addicition & Food Prep!
I love being organized and being organized means indulging in my love of stationery. Seriously, I have an addiction to stationery. Nothing makes me feel better than a Paperchase winter sale or helping myself to new stationery in a new job. Heaven for someone who loves to write lists and notes!
Votes for Women! Voting & Making a Suffragette Sash.
Good morning! I hope you have voted, are on your way to vote or will vote later on! It’s sooo imporant (especially as women) to vote both responsibly and to vote informed about your choice of political party and candidate. I’m wearing a home-made belt or sash in the Suffragette colours of purple, white and green to show my thanks to the women who campaigned before for the right to vote. Read on to find out how to make your own Suffragette belt!
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