Towards the end of the year after nearly ten months blogging I fell into a blogging rut for reasons unknown to me. I felt the passion, and quality, of my blog posts were lacking and decided to re-set and re-start in the New Year whilst I tried to get my blogging inspiration back.
One of my resolutions to improve the quality of my blog is to only post blog posts that I am happy with the quality with. The quality being photographs and/or images and the actual writing within the blog post. In tandem with this sits with the regularity of the blog posts; instead of two per week I am going to try one per week either on a Friday or a Tuesday dependent on my schedule. I want my blog to work around and reflect my life and interests, and not my life working around panic and anxiety of getting the next blog post out.
Additionally, as my career grows as an historian I want my blog and by extension my blog to be a portfolio for my career and a blog to reflect my interests. I want to be able to post about history, books, culture, and travel in a manner that reflects my lifestyle and likes but also being informative for others who perhaps lead an alternative, non-mainstream life.
I am hoping to re-develop my website to reflect my career, as mentioned above, to have sections that include ‘About Me’, ‘Services’, ‘Blog’, and ‘Testimonies’ (quotes from people I have worked with in the past). I am hoping that by re-developing my website I will be able to get more freelance work as an historian and curator. My ideal situation would be to work part-time freelance and part-time in a permanent position either in academia and/or museums.
To achieve this I feel that my blog/website needs to be more professional, and possibly needs re-named (I haven’t decided on a name or if I wish to change the name). I am hoping that by re-designing or re-structuring my website and blog that this will be a reflection of who I as both a professional and person that will by extension will enable me to hopefully obtain more freelance work and recognition as an a historian.
As in that someone who goes to my website and/or reads my blog can ascertain that I am a professional historian with a wide variety of interests who they might like to work with. Additionally, heritage sites, museums, brands etc. might like to work with me promoting for example their heritage site or product. Some of my favourite YouTubers and Bloggers are paid to go to National Trust properties or to advertise a product that they would use in their alternative, non-mainstream lifestyle.
Ideally, I will be able to do this and to do this I need to ensure that everything I do is of a good quality. I don’t want any potential people to think that what I put out is haphazard which essentially could reflect my work ethic (which it hopefully wouldn’t!) Hence, why I need to re-brand my blog and website for future prosperity. Anyway this is enough of me rambling and onwards and outwards to a new future of blogging and websiting!