Here’s me looking like a loon, squinting at the camera whilst I try not to get blown away by gale force winds. Why you wonder? Well I’m trying to take a selfie of me for a previous blog post and this was the best one out of the lot. I love to blog and I don’t care if it’s cold, rainy, hot or windy I’ll try to get out to take photo’s to create content for my blog. Read on to find out why I love to blog!
Yup, even more random picture of yours truly. I was going or a 1930s pin-up girl look here; you know when they fix their hair attractively? Well anyway, back to why I love to blog. I love to blog for many different reasons and my blog started of as a blog documenting my struggles to get work in the museum field.
In the guise of a museum based blog I blogged for about two years and then got bored of it when I went to study my MA in Museum Studies. Whilst I still loved (and still do) love museums I wanted my blog to reflect me and the things that I’m interested on a daily basis; culture, art, history, travel, vintage clothing, food, a healthy lifestyle etc.
I love to blog about food; especially healthy, nutritious food. But I also like to blog about food I eat as a treat (mainly ice cream, hence the picture) or blog about food I’m making for other people. I love, love, love to travel and that’s what about 50% of my blog focuses in with a healthy sprinkling of lifestyle, culture and history. I believe you can go to places and find out about the amazing history of the place, eat amazing food and visit amazing culutral attractions!
I also love to blog about roadtrips or shortbreaks that I go on, especially roadtrips around the island of Ireland. I am very fortunate that I live in a country with some of the most breathtaking scenery in any country. I mean the entirety of Ireland is just a picture postcard waiting to be explored and I want to share this with you!
Also I like to share out of the way or destinations that are not as popular for regular travels. Places that you need local knowledge and insight (and probably a car) and destinations that are off the beaten track. As much as I love to see vlogs about America, Canada, Western Europe etc. there is soo much more of the world to explore and I plan to explore it and share my travels as much as possible!
Basically, I like to blog (and YouTube) to give a platform for things that I’m passionate about and that I hope other people are passionate about and want to find out more about. My blog would probably be classified as an ‘alternative’ lifestyle, travel & culture blog as I don’t really do hauls, un-boxings, what I’m wearing video’s etc. as I’m not really into that. But who’s to say I can’t do these type of video’s on vintage fashion!? So you see for me blogging is adaptable, shareable and most importantly of all a way to share your passions with the world! Happy blogging to fellow bloggers and I hope you’ve liked what you’ve seen of my blog so far!