Twitter and Instagram: Historians in the Digital Age

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest etc. ever thought of these digital social media platforms as a method of research or public engagement as an historian or museum professional? More and more people in 2019 have social media profiles that highlight their work to a wider, often global audience in a way that people twenty years ago could only dream off. I have and do use Twitter (and soon Instagram) daily to interact with historians across the world and to catch-up on the latest historical research and news whilst also promoting myself as an historian, blogger and curator.

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Not In Full Bloom

This blog post is a change from the regularly scheduled program of travel, culture, history and lifestyle posts that I’ve been doing for the last couple of months. Basically, I’m going to talk about how I’ve suffered increased anxiety and low moods recently.

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The Saturday Supplement

Whilst awaiting news of Doctor Blake Murder Mysteries Season Five this blog post discusses the success of the show and the impact it’s had on Ballarat, where the show is filmed. Plus look how lovely Dr. Blake is in the above picture!

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(c) Rachel Sayers 2013-2017. Picture of Dr. Blake courtesy of Wisconsin Public Television.

Self-Love on Valentine’s Day

Before you think this post is about something sordid, it’s not. Sorry to disappoint you but this isn’t that type of blog. This post, and the second part next week with YouTube video (!), is about how important it is to take care of yourself every day of the year, not just Valentine’s Day. Basically, this post is about ‘self-love’ twenty-four-seven.

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(c) Rachel Sayers 2013-2017.